Thursday, February 3, 2011


Since Tramadol was introduced in Australia in late 1998 its use has increased significantly. While there is a huge amount of information supporting Tramadol uses for pain, there is gradually more large body of confirmation from post-marketing observation showing there are troubles. In 1999 there were 19 reports of unfavorable events, while in 2003 there were 286 reports. As of March 2004 the Australian unfavorable Drug Reactions Advisory Committee (ADRAC) has received 726 reports of unfavorable events related with Tramadol, detailing 1922 reactions. In 453 of the reports, Tramadol was the sole assumed drug. These reactions recommend that the choice to recommend Tramadol should be cautiously considered.Tramadol is a centrally acting painkiller. Structurally it is not an opiate, but it exhibits some opioid distinctiveness. Like codeine, Tramadol is metabolized via the CYP2D6 is enzyme of cytochrome P450 to an active metabolite which binds to ยต receptors. Patients who metabolize drugs poorly via CYP2D6 (about 7% of Caucasians) may get less benefit from Tramadol (and codeine) due to reduced formation of the active metabolite. Tramadol is also metabolized by CYP3A4 so its activity is reduced by drugs which induce CYP3A4.3The analgesic effect of Tramadol is not completely reversed by the opioid opponent naloxone and some patients who do not react to codeine do react to Tramadol. This suggests that Tramadol has extra mechanism of action. Tramadol inhibits reuptake of serotonin and noradrenalin and this probably contributes to its analgesic effects.There is no doubt that Tramadol is an useful analgesic for moderate, and in some cases, severe pain.4 In proportional studies in postoperative and post-trauma pain, Tramadol 100 mg intramuscularly or intravenously was alike to 5–10 mg of morphine. However, in cruel agonizing related with either surgical treatment or cancer, morphine was more effective than Tramadol and remains the drug of choice. In acute and chronic non-malignant pain, oral Tramadol 100 mg is equivalent to a mixture of paracetamol and codeine (1000 mg/60 mg).

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


The unfavorable effects of Tramadol are related to other opioids and consist of nausea, sickness, constipation, pain, giddiness, dry mouth, sedation, asthenia, tiredness and sweating1. Ordinary effects comprise skin reactions. Titrate the dosage bit by bit may improve acceptability, and intra-operative loading may decrease post-operative sickness and queasiness. With the exemption of sweating, constipation and dry mouth, most adverse sound effects appear to reduce with delayed use. Tramadol is improbable to produce clinically related respiratory hopelessness at suggested dose but respiratory despair may occur if suggested doses are exceeded. Bronchus tremor has been noted with Tramadol, but always with other mixed up contributing factors.
Tramadol bring the same risk of urinary disorder (urinary detention) as other opiates. Seizures reported in patients enchanting Tramadol at and above the prescribed dose, mainly in the charisma of other pro-consultant drugs5. According to the Database from (1994-96) it is identified 17 cases of idiopathic seizure (11 exact, 6 likely) among the 10,916 patients treated with Tramadol. The final decision was that there was no increased threat of idiopathic incident seizures associated with experience to Tramadol alone. However, Tramadol should avoid in epileptics and should be used with concern in patients on related medication which lower seizure entrance, such as tricyclic antidepressants, choosy serotonin reuptake inhibitors, fantasy and specially pethidine.  
The cruelty or reliance possible for Tramadol is low, provided it is dosed within suggested range. On the other hand, reports of drug reliance and removal have occurred. Tramadol has very little resemblance for opioid receptors (10 times less than codeine, 60 times less than propoxyphene and 6005 times less than that of morphine. Low cruelty probable has been established in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, intersect trial comparing Tramadol 75mg, 150mg and 300 mg with morphine 15mg and 30 mg and placebo in 12 volunteers who were before register drug addicts, but were at this time non-opioid needy. Effects were assessed on measures of subjective, behavioral and physiological response.
The special effects of Tramadol 75mg and 150mg over 12 hours were not dissimilar from placebo. Although Tramadol 300mg was identified as an opiate, it shaped no other morphine like effects. The opioid agonist and competitor characteristics of Tramadol were assessed in 6 male opioid needy volunteers enrolled in a methadone maintenance program. Intramuscular Tramadol 100mg and 300mg were compared with placebo in a double-blind fashion. Tramadol neither produced morphine-like effects, nor were precipitated withdrawal signs and its effects indistinguishable from placebo.However, a number of case reports have been published which highlight the potential for reliance, ill-treatment and removal syndrome after long-term cure. Up until 2000, the FDA had received reports of 115 cases of patients developing abuse, dependence or pulling out in association with Tramadol use. The marketing of the Australian Drug Reaction Advisory Committee (ADRAC) has received 3 reports of drug withdrawal syndrome in association with Tramadol. In all cases Tramadol has been the sole suspected drug.

Monday, January 31, 2011

How to use?

Tramadol is a centrally acting synthetic painkiller of the aminocyclohexanol group with opioid-like effects. Its mode of action is not completely tacit but it appears to act by modify broadcast of pain impulses via reserve of noradrenalin and serotonin re-uptake and also by weakly binding to mud-opioid receptors.In Australia it is available under the trade name Tramal and is available as capsules (50mg), continued release tablets (100mg, 150mg, 200mg) and ampoules (100mg/2ml) for relief of temperate to severe pain.Tramadol comes as with a tablet to get let down to on the part of mouth. It usually is taken every 3-5 hours as with needed. It may be taken including or not including food. Follow the orders on your instruction label very vigilantly and ask your doctor or pharmacist make clear any one part you do without not understand. Take Tramadol exactly as with directed. Tramadol can be habit-forming. Do not get let down to a larger dose get let down to it any more as many a time as with not or in behalf of a longer period than your doctor tells you to. You should not drive a car, control machinery, nor do any other potentially risky actions until you know how Tramadol Ultram affects you. It’s necessary to take Tramadol accurately as prearranged. Do not increase the dosage or length of time you take (Ultram) without your doctor's approval. Side effects cannot be anticipated. If any change in concentration, tell your doctor as soon as possible. Only your doctor can determine if it is safe for you to continue taking Ultram. On the basis of published evidence, Tramadol appears to have reasonable dose related efficacy in contrast with other opioid analgesics, with a relative lack of respiratory depression, major organ toxicity or abuse potential. Because of its side-effect profile in comparison with other analgesics, Tramadol may have role inpatients who are intolerant of predictable opioid and other non-opioid analgesics, those who have pre-existing cardiopulmonary disease, such as the elderly or obese, and those in whom codeine use is inappropriate. In the acute and post-operative settings, it may have a place in multi-modal analgesia, where opioid and non-opioid drugs are given in mixture to achieve analgesia, with a decline in the incidence and severity of side effects. Likewise, in chronic pain circumstances, Tramadol may be measured (as a single agent or in mixture) where non-opioid analgesics have proven useless or where multimodal treatment might be advantageous in order to limit side-effects. The reduced constipating effect of Tramadol compared with other opioids may be positive in patients with never-ending cancer pain, although nausea may be a dose-limiting side-effect and sustained-release morphine is more effective in severe cancer pain. Because of its extensive duration of effect, the sustained release formulation may provide convenience in ambulatory patients with chronic pain. However, studies of long-term use have not yet been reported and the potential for serious drug-drug connections with Tramadol should not be under-estimated. As a single agent, Tramadol place in therapy is likely to be limited by both cost and tolerability particularly nausea). In the majority of patients it offers few advantages at considerable additional cost. However, it may be a useful substitute to other analgesics in chosen patients with fair to severe pain. The recommended dose for moderate to severe pain is 50-100mg every four to six hours (or 100-200mg twice daily for the sustained-release formulation), to a maximum daily dosage of 400mg for oral therapy or 600mg parent rally


When it comes to body throbbing, one of the best ways of dealing with it is to get an effective relief that can give you with instant results. Tramadol, a well-liked painkiller, mostly resorted to by patients who know-how moderate to severe pain. So, what is Tramadol?
This is in fact a man-made agent as 4-phenyl-piperidine analogue of codeine. This exacting drug is also known to act like morphine. For Tramadol to help you get free of the pain, it works by uncomfortable the brain’s receptors which are responsible for transmission the message of pain in the body. It is safe to take this medicine once it is taken for short durations of time and under the doctor’s guidance. Many medical professionals recommend that this medicine should only be taken during urgent situations and for temperate to severe pain only.
Since Tramadol is an efficient pain reliever, many pharmaceutical companies already presented different brands for this drug in the market.Some popular brands are Ultram, Ultracet, Ryzolt, Tramal, and Tramacet. You can purchase the drug in its normal form or in extensive time release capsules. These are available in 50 mg intended for temperate pain. Higher dosage is also available from 100 mg; 200 mg up to 300 mg. higher dosages are only prescribed for severe pain and for other serious illnesses where immediate pain supervision is required.Another thing to remember, you take the medicine in the same form as approved by your doctor. Tramadol should be taken as a whole. You will not get addictive to the medicine once it is taken for only short durations. Once the medicine is used for longer periods then it will commonly result to reliance and confrontation to the drug. So instead of easing the pain at lower dosages, you will later increase the intake of this drug to feel its effects. Symptoms of overeat may include cold and clammy skin, low body temperature, slowed breathing and heartbeat, sleepiness, wooziness, seizures, deep sleep and loss of awareness.
Once you observe that you have trouble in breathing or tension of the chest, inflammation of eyelids, face or lips, develop rash or pimples, then it is high time that you tell your doctor about it , as soon as possible. It is also significant that you avoid alcohol when taking Tramadol. Meanwhile, women who are scheduling on becoming pregnant must consult it first with a doctor so he can discuss the benefits and risks of using Tramadol during pregnancy. Tramadol is excreted in breast milk so it is only reasonable for women to avoid breastfeeding while taking  Tramadol.The dosage of Tramadol or any change in the recommendation should only be done after consulting with your doctor. If you perceive any objectionable, effects caused by this drug, then you need to talk to your doctor about it. It is better to be truthful about any unfavorable reactions of your present medication so that instant mixture can be provided.  Tramadol can also be taken in mixture with Carbamazepine and it is normally prescribe for the treatment of epilepsy. Carbamazepine also lessens the effect of Tramadol. However, you should be careful about drug interactions as it can lead to unwanted side effects or prevent the medicine in easing your pain. When this happens, you need to consult a health care specialized if you have questions on drug interactions with Tramadol.
Aside from pain management,Tramadol can also be used for people who have unceasing pain disorder or for patients who just had dental surgery.Tramadol can also help lighten the pain brought by migraine, sprains, not working ligaments, chronic pain, severe back pain, cancer pain and a whole lot more.